Harm Reduction Through Education

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Dive deep into our detailed factsheets for comprehensive insights on drug dosages, durations, and more.

About Us

In an era where assistance often doesn't measure up, TripSit emerges as the beacon of hope. We're driving forward with a mission to dismantle misconceptions about drug use and arm individuals with the tools they need for safer experiences.

Our foundational principles are clear-cut:

  • Accept that people will use substances, regardless of legality or social stigma.
  • Know it is possible to use substances while reducing harmful practices.
  • Conviction that informed education is the cornerstone for harm mitigation.

At TripSit, our emphasis lies in fostering open conversations and enacting harm reduction methodologies. Beyond championing essentials like test kits, we provide a roadmap for more prudent drug interactions. We've cultivated a platform that promotes discourse from scientific, medical, and philosophical angles on drugs, offering counsel rooted in our shared journeys.


Years of Service


Discord Members


Drugs in our Database


Subreddit Subscribers

Our Combo Chart is a cornerstone of the HR scene.

We give permissions to print and distribute our chart for non-profit usage.
Full details of usage rights are in our FAQ below, but it boils down to:

  • Do not make a profit off our work. We don't do this for profit and neither should you.
  • Keep our logo on the chart. We don't ask for money, but we deserve the recognition.
  • Do not change the data. We worked hard on this and can't verify adjustments.

Otherwise, we give permission to print out and distribute this chart to whoever wants to. Make your own posters, print it on a t-shirt, or even make a giant banner and display it as a festival! We just want the information out there where it can help people.


We are so proud of our volunteer force and the work they do! The amount of empathy, compassion and knowledge they bring to the table is astounding. We are so lucky to have them!

I wanted to give a big kudos and air five...you know, covid haha...to everyone on the TripSit team. Even the community helpers. I've been watching for a bit and so happy even people who don't know each other make people feel safe and loved. Everyone is going through so much! This is a fun, safe, and helpful environment that I am proud to witness first hand. So thank you so much for keeping this network around when the rest of the world keeps turning to shit. People come and go but this truly feels like a network family. So awesome job everyone. If you haven't been told in awhile, well then I am so proud of you! ❀️


Discord Member

I just want to give huge hugs to every member of the TripSit Team for being so active member here ❀️ I love you guys for being here, helping people and giving your free time to grow a positive community for everyone to share their stories and lives that are surrounded by drugs. Places like this make the world a better place when you aren't demonized by anyone, which is amazing!


Discord Member

I admire everyone's commitment to #TriPSiT throughout the years. And i am immensely proud and glad for the assistance\social ground\venting possibility~.., throughout the many many years. The educative vigor\interests\additions, in regards to advancement of both the www-site, Discord, and especially the IRC, in assisting and informing, is amazing. And i know a lot of people have had real life-altering\life-saving, experiences throughout the many years. I thank you kindly, warmly, and genuinely lovingly, for being. Having this use of a truly humane service, is fabulous and joyfully positive in regards to aiding humans on this spinball of a planet


Discord Member

I'd just like to thank everyone that is a part of Team TripSit for all of your continued efforts to make TripSit a better and more useful service, everyday! I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say that we're all very grateful that you all exist! I hope you're all having a wonderful day!


Discord Member

You’re all fucking wonderful people. I can’t emphasize this enough: I am glad to be friends with all of you. I haven’t gotten in a single fight since being on here. There’s just so much love. Thank you. I wouldn’t be here without all of you.


Discord Member

Thank you all for being here and taking the time to help people trough different things and big love to this community. i practiced way safer use with drugs and don't have the need anymore to overdo it keep it up ❀️ πŸ’―


Discord Member


TripSit offers various resources, all free of charge, and maintained by the community.

Drug Factsheets

Dive into our comprehensive Drug Factsheets for concise and essential insights on various substances.

Join Our Mission

At TripSit, we're a close-knit, volunteer-driven community. Whether you bring technical prowess, a knack for research, or simply a friendly spirit to chat in the lounge, there's a place for you here. Our ongoing development projects always welcome an extra pair of hands, and our drug databases eagerly await updates with the latest substances. Every piece of information benefits from meticulous review and proofreading. No contribution is too small, and every effort is deeply valued!

Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to our most commonly asked questions. Is your question not here? Contact us using a method below!